The Portland church has a long history of supporting various mission works both nationally and abroad. Over 30% of the church budget is dedicated to mission works.
Mission Works – Foreign
World Christian Broadcasting

World Christian Broadcasting is a non-profit organization supported by concerned Christians whose purpose is to take God’s Word—through mass media—to people who may have no other means of hearing the Good News.
Official Mission Statement: “World Christian Broadcasting exists so that people in places best served by broadcast media become aware of the Good News of Jesus Christ and want to know more.”
For more info click: https://www.worldchristian.org/
Gospel Chariot Missions

Invade Africa and the world with Gospel Chariots preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and multiplying disciples and churches everywhere using the Gospel Share Missions 4 fields discipleship evangelism tools
For more info click: https://www.gospelchariot.org
World Bible School

WBS is a ministry of the churches of Christ. The churches of Christ seek simply to be New Testament Christians who joyfully call all people to be one in Christ. WBS offers bible courses through lesson booklets and online through many languages. WBS utilizes “study helpers” as a Christian friend to help those interested in understanding the Bible.
For more info click: https://worldbibleschool.org/
Mission Works – USA
Preaching Schools
Portland supports around 12 preaching students per semester through 3 different preaching schools:
Memphis School of Preaching – https://msop.org/

Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies – https://makingpreachers.com/

Heritage Christian University – https://www.hcu.edu/

Taylor Christian Camp – https://www.taylorchristiancamp.org/

Taylor Christian Camp has been hosting campers since 1986 and is supported by area churches of Christ. Portland has been a part of this camp since the beginning. Camp motto is: Colossians 3:17 – “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
Apologetics Press – https://apologeticspress.org/

For more than 30 years Apologetics Press has published and disseminated materials for self study, group study, or evangelistic purposes. Topics range from evidences supporting the Christian Faith to highly controversial areas that challenge that Faith.
Grant County (KY) church of Christ – http://www.grantcountycc.org/
Portland is proud to have assisted planting and supporting a church of Christ in Dry Ridge, KY. This congregation still faithfully meets every Sunday.
Portland also supports a local mission trip taken annually. Those trips have included assistance in Virginia, North Carolina, South Dakota and other states.
Portland has also been involved in jail ministry at the Sumner Co. jail since 2014. We have conducted in person worship services, in person classes, correspondence courses, assisting baptisms, and purchasing bibles for the incarcerated.
The mission committee meets and evaluates numerous requests throughout the year to continue to evangelize the gospel through Christian servants.